Kallisti & Kallora Videos

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kallora_avalon.avi (13MB)
(Feb 2003)

First video... Kallora the Friar ventures into Avalon City...
I get asked a lot about the sound track for this movie, because I forgot to put a music credit at the end! The music is by Bond from their first album Born. The track is called Alexander the Great.

(March 2003)
Second video, amusing tale of the Astrologer and the Maid

(Aug 2003)
Third video after a bit of a hiatus due to technical problems. This one is about Housing!
kallora_avalon2.avi (32MB)
(Aug 2003)
The promised sequel! Kallora finds a zerg and explores Avalon City further.

(Sept 2003)

A movie to the song "The Boys are Back in Town" by Thin Lizzy, filmed on Gaheris with the Fallows Cross Guild

ToA.avi (55 MB)
(Oct 2003)

Trials of Atlantis movie, filmed during the beta test.

(32 MB)
(Dec 2003)

Diba was a player on Pendragon. She was tragically killed in a car crash in November. Her Pendragon friends asked if I would help them with a memorial movie. I was honoured to help.

female.avi (50 MB)
(Feb 2004)

A Minstrel movie where a band of strolling minstrel girls decides to have some fun in Emain (Old Frontiers).

(35 MB)
(Feb 2004)

Teletha was a player in Midgard on Galahad who died Fri 13th Feb. Mids, Albs and Hibs paid tribute to her in Odins on Sun 15th Feb 2004.


Click here to see a description of how I made these movies


People ask me all sort of questions, so here is my attempt to explain a bit "behind the scenes"

Kallora in Avalon City

This started out originally as a test of the new video splitter box I had bought to make movies. At this point, Feb/March 2003 I'd seen a lot of movies several of whom had a profound effect upon me.

Aladora's DF movie was one of the first I'd seen as was blown away but it. I enjoy most of Aladora's movies, her use of music is excellent. For Albion, Christmas in Caer Sidi and specially Remember are very impressive. (Links to movies by Aladora are not guaranteed - its sad but her DAOC movies are getting increasingly difficult to find on the net)

This movie started with Kallora running about SI emoting to mobs. The original plot idea was she was looking for her long lost sister (Kallisti). Eventually I made it into AC and was killing a few drakorians and trying out different camera angles, when suddenly Matilde from the Church of Dawn guild ran up to me and said her group had died and could I rez them. And that was the movie all summed up.

I posted a link to the movie at the DrunkenFriar site and other friars loved it. Salmon said the movie totally summed up what it is to be a friar... Arse whopping and rezzing ;-)

Not a bad job description I think!!

The music is of course by Bond from their first album called Born. The track is called Alexander the Great.

Astrologer and the Maid

This was the video I wanted to make since I had seen Coffey's Scotsman video, which was one of the first to make me cry laughing!!

Gryphon (fan site) are an old English band from the 70s, who I'd first heard at university in my youth and always loved.

This song seemed a perfect DaoC song! I had a lot of fun finding the locations for the instrumental solos. This is pretty much a solo effort... I was playing 2 accounts on the same PC which is why the PoV jumps a couple of times between scenes.

Its amazing how many people who make movies have minstrel characters ;-)

My Neighbourhood

This was my first attempt at a "Rock video" Daoc Movie. Previous excellent examples of this genre are Come as you are which is the first of the Rock video movies I saw and WooHoo which is also funny. Aladora did Holding on for a Hero too.

I had been in the Beta test for the housing expansion, but my video capture wasn't working. However I had thought about making a movie with housing and looked at a couple of songs. My first choice was Madness' "My House", but listening to the lyrics realised that it wasn't really doable.

I then came rediscovered an old favourite from the band called Space, "My Neighbourhood". As soon as I heard the "local vicar, serial killer" verse, the image popped into my mind and that was it!

If you get your own copy of the song out, you'll discover that my version is missing 2 verses and a chorus. The reason? One of the verses is about Saddam Hussein and a) didn't think it was a very funny verse, b) couldn't see HOW I could represent it in Daoc c) thought a song including Saddam Hussein was a bit inappropriate currently. The other verse is about people who haven't paid the rent and its too much like the "living from crime" verse. So my version of the song is a bit shorter than the original.

The Troll "Queen" is a Bonedancer on Gaheris I created for the movie. His name is Tranny! The houses used in the movie are mostly on Alb Galahad. However the Hibbie house is MythicBard's on Pendragon and the Middie house belongs to a guild called Chaos Gate on Gaheris. Can I PLEASE ask people do a /housefriend all and let anyone visit your houses? I spent a hour and more running around housing zones trying to find a BIG Midgard house that would let me inside!!!

The house with the 2 headed dragon (Xanxicar under Avalon city) is my own house on Pendragon. The Dragon heads are a leftover from when we were testing trophies... we didn't need to hunt the actual mobs but could get the trophy remains much easier ;)

Many thanks to the people who persevered with my technical problems in the crowd scenes and came back for the 2 reshoots required because my VCR is a bugger and sometimes doesn't record!!

Kallora in Avalon City 2

My follow up for the Kallora in AC movie was intended to be a raid on the 2 headed dragon. Sadly we didn't have enough people show up and all died before even zoning in. So the dragon raid turned into a general AC raid that visited a couple of spots in AC I've always wanted to go.

Sadly, I don't think this movie is that good. Its a bit boring frankly... ;)

The music is by Claire Hammil from an album she made in 1986 called Voices. What is unusual is that all the "instruments" on the album are her voice. There are no drums, just her voice. Its an unusual and evocative album. This track is Tides and is my favourite. I first heard it as the theme tune for a BBC history series about The Doomsday Book from about 1987-8.

The Boys are Back in Town

This movie was suggested by my friends who also play DaoC in England. They play mostly on Gaheris and had been coming up with movie ideas since they saw my earlier movies, but My Neighbourhood spurred them into creative overdrive and someone came up with the idea of using Thin Lizzy's "Boys are Back". I believe it was originally Stan (Detrytus) who suggested the "Trolls running amok in Cammy" plotline.

So we transported my PC, VCR and assorted cables, speakers, keyboard etc. down to his house where 4 of us set up PCs and started videoing. We didn't have a TV connected to the video, a mistake we came to regret!

After about 4 hours of filming, we took the VCR to the lounge to connect to the TV and discovered nothing had recorded!!! Well, I can't describe how angry I was, and how stupid I felt!!! The guys were very good about it and didn't call me TOO many rude names...

The following weekend, I suggested if they wanted to, we could try again as I thought I'd worked out why the VCR hadn't recorded anything. So we carried everything down again and this time Stan found a TV that we could connect to the VCR. THIS time we had some much better ideas for scenes and you can see that in the movie. The fountain scene was inspired!!!

The VCR recorded everything this time and I spent the next day capturing it to HD and editing. I discovered at this point just how much we'd filed at night-time in DAOC... and it was VERY dark. I was able to increase the brightness and contrast but this makes the footage grainy, but I didn't have much choice. We were NOT going to reshoot!! The scene I was most concerned about was the trolls dancing on the round table. That was VERY dark but I think it looks okay in the movie, thankfully.

I was happy that people "got" the "Benny Hill" chase sequences. I was worried people wouldn't get the joke...

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